Enable version control in Bvckup 2
What is Bvckup 2? Bvckup 2 is a lightweight and versatile Windows premium backup software. I have used it for some years now and it really is superb. The only feature I am missing is “version control”. Especially when you are editing the same file over and over. You really need to be able to go back in time sometimes. What is version control? File control, file versioning, file history, version control – are all different names for what is commonly known as “Versioning file system”. Let’s say you do not have version control. Without “version control” (a.k.a file history) you would backup a file, and every time the original file is changed, the backup gets overwritten by the latest change. So, for example, if you are working on a document and you realize you have accidentally deleted 10 pages in the document. You check your backup… and HEY! You have a backup file, great! 😃👍 But hold on… That backup is also missing 10 pages, because the backup was made recently. Noooooooooooo! 😲😖 That is exactly why you need version control (not backup)! With backup you will only have the most recent backup. With version control you will have multiple backup versions. Mac users are probably laughing right now because they have Time Machine for years. Let’s hope Microsoft is catching up soon. And I don’t mean the horrible implementation of file history, because it cant be trusted at all. How to enable version control Bvckup 2 actually has a “hidden” feature in Bvckup 2 called archive\_modified which enables file versioning. 😲🙀 This feature allows you to keep all versions of a backed-up file. Every time the file is backed up, the older version of the file is moved to a folder called $Archive (Bvckup 2). Make a new […]